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When Were Security Cameras Invented?

When Were Security Cameras Invented?

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When Were Security Cameras Invented? 

When Were Security Cameras Invented? Security cameras have become an indispensable component of modern society, offering peace of mind to homeowners and businesses alike. These surveillance systems play a vital role in monitoring public spaces, securing private properties, and safeguarding sensitive areas. But how did security cameras evolve into the advanced devices we rely on today? This blog explores the invention of security cameras, tracing their development from rudimentary systems to the sophisticated surveillance technologies we use now.

An Overview of the Evolution of Security Camera Technology

Time Period Technology/Development Key Features
1920s Early Video Surveillance Systems Large, cumbersome cameras; used in the government and film industry
1940s-1950s CCTV (Closed-Circuit Television) Used in military and government; analog signals
1970s-1980s Digital Cameras Higher image quality; digital storage
1990s IP Cameras Remote access; network integration; higher resolution
2000s-Present Smart Cameras with AI Integration Motion detection; facial recognition; smart home integration

The Early Beginnings: Mechanical Surveillance Devices

Before the advent of video cameras, surveillance was managed through simpler means. Ancient civilizations utilized methods such as watchtowers and sentinels to monitor threats and maintain security. These early forms of surveillance laid the foundation for the development of more complex systems.

Peepholes, for example, allowed individuals to observe who was outside their doors without revealing themselves- a basic form of mechanical surveillance. These methods, while primitive, were essential in maintaining order and security in communities long before the invention of electronic systems.

The Invention of Security Cameras: A Step into the 20th Century

The First Recorded Use (1920s)

When Were Security Cameras Invented? The concept of using cameras for surveillance began to take shape in the early 20th century. One of the first known uses of video surveillance occurred in Stalin’s Russia during the 1920s. These early systems were rudimentary, consisting of large, cumbersome cameras connected to television sets. They were primarily used to monitor and secure sensitive government facilities, marking the beginning of what we now recognize as security camera technology.

Simultaneously, the motion picture industry began utilizing video surveillance to monitor film sets. This was done to ensure the safety of actors and crew members while capturing authentic scenes. Though these early cameras required significant manpower to operate, they represented a critical step forward in the development of surveillance technology.

Early Analog Cameras

Following the initial experiments in video surveillance, the development of analog security cameras began to shape the future of security systems. These early analog cameras captured images by converting light into electrical signals, which were then transmitted to a monitor or recorded onto tape. Despite their limitations, these cameras were groundbreaking, offering a new way to monitor and secure areas remotely.

The Impact of WWII

World War II significantly advanced surveillance technology. The need for secure communication and monitoring systems led to the development of Closed-Circuit Television (CCTV). For example, the Germans used CCTV to monitor rocket tests, ensuring their operations were conducted safely and securely. This wartime innovation laid the foundation for the widespread adoption of CCTV systems in the subsequent decades.

The Growth of Surveillance Technology: From Analog to Digital

The Introduction of CCTV Systems (1940s-1950s)

The post-war period saw the introduction of CCTV systems in public spaces and industries. Initially, these systems were used primarily by governments and large corporations to monitor sensitive areas. The technology was still relatively expensive and complex, limiting its use to high-security environments. However, as technology improved and costs decreased, CCTV systems became more accessible, paving the way for their widespread use.

The Advent of Digital Cameras (1970s-1980s)

The 1970s and 1980s marked a significant turning point in the history of security cameras with the advent of digital technology. Unlike analog cameras, which recorded footage on magnetic tapes, digital cameras stored images electronically. This innovation allowed for higher image quality, easier storage, and more efficient retrieval of footage. As a result, digital cameras quickly gained popularity, particularly in commercial and residential security.

The Rise of IP Cameras (1990s-2000s)

The introduction of Internet Protocol (IP) cameras in the 1990s revolutionized the field of surveillance. IP cameras offered numerous advantages over their analog counterparts, including remote access, high-resolution images, and the ability to integrate with other security systems. This era also saw the emergence of networked surveillance systems, where multiple cameras could be connected and monitored from a central location.

IP cameras have continued to evolve, incorporating features such as motion detection, night vision, and wireless connectivity. These advancements have made surveillance more effective and convenient, solidifying the role of security cameras as a staple of modern security systems.

The Proliferation of Security Cameras: Becoming a Global Standard

When Were Security Cameras Invented? Surveillance in Public Spaces (1990s-Present)

The 1990s marked the beginning of widespread surveillance in public spaces. Governments and businesses around the world began installing cameras in city centers, airports, and other public areas to deter crime and enhance security. The growth of surveillance was rapid, with millions of cameras being installed globally. Today, it is estimated that there are over one billion surveillance cameras in use worldwide. Eleven of the world’s 20 most surveilled cities are located in China, which accounts for approximately 54% of all installed security cameras globally. The remaining top surveilled cities include New York, London, Seoul, Moscow, Delhi, Chennai, Singapore, Mumbai, and Mexico City.

Regulatory and Privacy Concerns

The proliferation of security cameras has not been without controversy. As surveillance became more common, concerns over privacy and civil liberties emerged. Various countries have implemented regulations to govern the use of surveillance cameras, balancing the need for security with the protection of individual privacy. For example, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in Europe sets strict guidelines for the use of video surveillance in public and private spaces.

Modern Security Cameras: Features and Technologies

Smart Home Integration

In recent years, security cameras have become an integral part of smart home systems. These cameras can be connected to other smart devices, allowing homeowners to monitor their properties remotely via smartphones or tablets. Features such as real-time alerts, two-way communication, and cloud storage have made smart cameras a popular choice for home security.

AI and Machine Learning in Surveillance

Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) are transforming the capabilities of security cameras. Modern systems can now analyze footage in real-time, detecting unusual behavior, recognizing faces, and even predicting potential threats. These advancements are making surveillance more proactive and effective, reducing the reliance on human operators to monitor live feeds.

The Future of Security Cameras

The future of security cameras is likely to be shaped by continued advancements in AI and other technologies. We can expect to see even more sophisticated systems capable of autonomous decision-making, enhanced image quality, and improved integration with other security measures. The North American smart home security camera market was valued at $3.48 billion in 2023. In fact, Americans are caught on camera an average of 238 times every week. Additionally, as concerns over privacy continue to grow, the industry may see the development of more privacy-focused technologies, such as cameras with built-in encryption or features that anonymize individuals in public spaces.

Why Security Cameras Are More Relevant Than Ever

Safety and Security in the Digital Age

As we move further into the digital age, the importance of security cameras continues to grow. With the rise of cyber threats and the increasing complexity of physical security challenges, businesses and individuals alike are relying on advanced surveillance systems to protect their assets. Security cameras provide a critical layer of defense, helping to deter crime, monitor activity, and gather evidence when incidents occur.

Industry-Specific Applications

Security cameras are not a one-size-fits-all solution; different industries require tailored systems to meet their unique security needs. For example, retail businesses often use cameras to prevent theft and monitor customer behavior, while banks rely on high-resolution cameras to capture clear images of transactions and identify suspects in the event of a crime. Other industries, such as logistics and manufacturing, use cameras to monitor operations, ensure compliance with safety regulations, and improve overall efficiency.

When Were Security Cameras Invented? Stay Ahead with the Latest Security Technology – Call Oatridge for Professional Service

The evolution of security cameras from simple mechanical devices to complex digital systems underscores their importance in today’s world. Continuous innovation in this field ensures that security cameras will remain a vital tool for protecting people, property, and information. At Oatridge Security Group, we stay at the forefront of these advancements, offering our clients the latest in surveillance technology tailored to their specific needs.

Whether you need a comprehensive security system for your business or want to enhance your home’s safety, Oatridge Security Group is here to help. Our team of experts can guide you through the process of selecting the right security cameras, ensuring that you stay ahead of potential threats and safeguard what matters most.

Contact Us

Oatridge Security Group’s diverse technical capabilities include every aspect of the security services industry, including armed and unarmed security officers, vehicle and foot patrols, access control, consulting, and monitoring services.

Contact us today to discover how we can help meet the needs of your security objectives.

2111 South 90th Street
Tacoma, WA 98444

Phone: (253) 461-1622
Email: [email protected] 

Common Questions About Security Cameras

  • When were security cameras invented?
    Security cameras were first developed in the 1920s, with initial use cases in Stalin’s Russia and the motion picture industry. These early systems were primitive by today’s standards but laid the foundation for modern surveillance technology.
  • What was the first security camera used for?
    The first security cameras were used primarily for monitoring sensitive government facilities in Stalin’s Russia during the 1920s. Additionally, they were utilized in the motion picture industry to ensure the safety of actors and crew members on set while capturing authentic scenes without exposing anyone to danger.
  • How have security cameras changed over the years?
    Security cameras have evolved dramatically over the years, from the large, cumbersome analog systems of the early 20th century to today’s compact and highly sophisticated digital systems. Initially, cameras were purely analog, recording footage on magnetic tapes. However, the transition to digital technology in the 1970s and 1980s brought significant improvements in image quality, storage capabilities, and accessibility. The introduction of IP cameras in the 1990s further revolutionized the field by enabling remote access and integration with other security systems. Modern cameras now incorporate advanced features such as AI-driven analytics, facial recognition, motion detection, and smart home integration, making them far more effective and versatile than their predecessors.
  • Who invented the security camera?
    While there isn’t a single individual credited with the invention of the security camera, the development of early surveillance systems involved contributions from various inventors and engineers. The use of CCTV during World War II, particularly by the Germans to monitor rocket tests, is one of the earliest examples of security camera technology in action. As the technology evolved, various companies and innovators contributed to the development of more advanced systems, leading to the sophisticated security cameras we use today.
  • Why were security cameras invented?
    Security cameras were invented to enhance surveillance and improve safety in sensitive areas. Initially, they were used for government security and monitoring, but as technology advanced, their applications expanded to include protecting businesses, homes, and public spaces. The ability to monitor areas remotely and record footage for later review has made security cameras a crucial tool in crime prevention, investigation, and public safety.


5 Basic Duties and Responsibilities of a Guard

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5 basic duties and responsibilities of a guard

5 Basic Duties and Responsibilities of a Guard

Security guards play a vital role in maintaining safety and security in various environments, from corporate buildings to shopping centers and residential complexes. At Oatridge Security Group, we understand the importance of having well-trained and responsible security personnel. Here are the five basic duties and responsibilities of a security guard:

Security Guard Top 5 Basic Duties, Essential Roles, and Responsibilities

1. Surveillance and Monitoring

One of the primary duties of a security guard is to keep a vigilant eye on the premises they are assigned to protect. This involves monitoring surveillance cameras, conducting regular patrols, and being alert to any suspicious activities. Effective surveillance helps in preventing theft, vandalism, and other criminal activities, ensuring a safe environment for everyone.

2. Access Control

Security guards are responsible for managing access to buildings and restricted areas. This includes checking identification, issuing visitor passes, and ensuring that only authorized personnel are allowed entry. By controlling access, security guards help to prevent unauthorized entry and maintain the integrity of secure areas.

3. Emergency Response

In the event of an emergency, such as a fire, medical incident, or security breach, security guards must respond quickly and efficiently. They are trained to handle various emergency situations, provide first aid if necessary, and coordinate with emergency services. Their prompt response can significantly mitigate the impact of emergencies and ensure the safety of individuals on the premises.

4. Incident Reporting

Accurate and detailed incident reporting is crucial in the field of security. Security guards must document any incidents, accidents, or suspicious activities that occur during their shift. These reports provide valuable information for further investigation and help in identifying patterns that may require additional security measures. Comprehensive reporting ensures transparency and accountability.

5. Customer Service

While security is their primary responsibility, security guards also serve as a point of contact for visitors and employees. They provide assistance, answer questions, and offer directions, contributing to a positive experience for everyone on the premises. Excellent customer service skills help in building trust and rapport with the community they serve.

Security Guards For Your Safety Needs

At Oatridge Security Group, we believe that a security guard’s role extends beyond just patrolling and monitoring. Our guards are trained to handle a variety of situations with professionalism and efficiency. By fulfilling these basic duties and responsibilities, they help create a secure and welcoming environment for all.

For more information about our security services or to inquire about hiring security guards for your business, please contact Oatridge Security Group today.

The Most Important Security Guard Skills

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The Most Important Security Guard Skills

At Oatridge Security, we have developed a keen eye for the skills that make a successful security guard.  The best security guards meet a set of standards that many who desire the job do not possess.  We at Oatridge hire only the most competent and promising individuals for our security teams, making sure we offer only the best guards to our clients.  If you’re looking to become a security guard, or are considering hiring a security guard, it’s important to know what traits correlate to success.  It’s also imperative that your guard is properly licensed for your state; in Washington, even unarmed security guards require licensing.

Skills of A Good Security Guard or Security Officer

When considering potential security guards, there are a few personal skills that might indicate a good fit.  Given that these individuals will be the front-line against potential threats, choosing the right people can be a matter of great importance.  Both soft skills and hard skills are pertinent to performing security services.  Great security officers and guards are well-trained and respectful representatives of their client company.  The best security guards should meet a set of standards:

  • Communication Skills.  A good security guard absolutely must have quality communication skills, as the ability to accurately, quickly, and reasonably relay information is inherent to the job.  Being capable of clear communication allows for fast action on the job; poor communication skills can lead to dangerous operational mishaps.
  • Physical Fitness/Strength.  While most security jobs won’t require physical intervention, it is the security guard’s job to be able to stop potentially dangerous scenarios, by force if necessary.
  • Rules Enforcement.  A quality security guard needs to be able to enforce rules, as well as follow them.  Even if a rule seems frivolous or easy to break, security guards understand that rules exist for a reason.
  • Critical-Thinking Skills.  The ability to think critically is a necessary skill for security guards- in an emergency, a security guard will need to decide on an appropriate action quickly, and may not have time to ask for direction.  If decision-making skills are poor, they may not be a good fit.
  • Vigilance and Observation.  Noticing small things is an important part of maintaining security; if a person tends to daydream and can’t stay focused on the situation, they may not notice slight-of-hand thefts or other small actions.
  • Respectfulness.  While security guards are intended to act as a deterrent to wrong-doers, they need to also be helpful and kind.  A security guard may be responsible for helping a lost child or answering customer’s questions.
  • Not Quick To Use Violence.  Unfortunately, many people who seek out security guard positions are people with power fantasies and violent impulses.  A quality security officer will instead seek to de-escalate a situation and behave calmly; violence and force should be considered a last resort.  If someone seems eager to use force, they should be turned away.

Choosing The Best Security Guard Services For You

When choosing security guards or hiring security services, be sure to look out for these skills and qualities.  The best options will always be guards with good training and a well-organized team.  If you’re looking for security guard services in Western Washington, Tacoma, or Seattle, consider hiring one of our teams at Oatridge Security.  We employ only the best guards on our teams, and we guarantee our service makes your event or business a safer place.  For more information, reach out to us over the phone or fill out our online contact form.

What Is The Difference Between a Security Guard and Security Officer for Seattle Businesses?

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What Is The Difference Between a Security Guard and Security Officer for Seattle Businesses?

If you’re new to the world of security personnel, you may have heard the terms “security guard” and “security officer” and wondered- “are those the same thing?”  The answer is no!  The difference lies in their rank and role; a security guard is your on-the-ground front-line security personnel, and a security officer holds the supervisory, higher level, more managerial role.  Security guards generally report to security officers.

Job Roles of Security Guards and Security Officers

As mentioned, the guards are in a subordinate role to the officers, and both are necessary for an effective and well-maintained security team.  One role is responsible for the planning and oversight, while the other is responsible for the execution.  Knowing the differences between these two roles allows you to better manage your security team and recognize what roles need to be filled.  Depending on the scope and level of security, you may need a different team composition and ratio of guards to officers.  For example, a large venue may need more security guards than a small business.

Both pieces of a security team are often necessary for success.  Without a security officer, there is no planning or oversight for security operations.  This can lead to disorganization, communication errors, and poor area coverage.  There are equally large gaps in security if a team lacks security guards; without guards, on-the-ground response is often delayed or nonexistent, risk management factors such as direct interventions are not covered, and the deterring presence of a guard is lost.

To keep your company’s business assets safe, it’s important to understand the difference between these two roles.  This allows you to be better informed when hiring security services and choosing a setup that will best fit your company.  In the city of Seattle, many companies have become wary due to increased risks to public storefronts and events; the solution to this is to invest in good, well-trained, professional security staff.

Key Differences in Job Training and Personnel Services Between Security Guards and Security Officers

In terms of job training and personnel services, each role offers a different specialization.

Security guards are:

  • managed by security officers.
  • present and visible at events, venues, businesses, etc.
  • intended to deter criminal activity.
  • trained in risk management, awareness, and intervention.
  • assigned to a specific post.
  • keeping watch on-site.
  • focused on small-scope and detail-oriented security duties.
  • responsible for checking bags and IDs, watching for suspicious activity, and securing checkpoints.

Security officers are:

  • responsible for managing guards.
  • in a decision-making role.
  • more experienced, may be former guards.
  • trained in emergency response, operations, management, and oversight.
  • keeping watch over the total operation and may be stationed in control rooms to oversee multiple cameras.
  • focused on holistic, big-picture security.
  • responsible for overall coverage, emergency response planning, and communications.

Choosing The Right Security Personnel For Your Business

Now that you have a better understanding of the key differences between guard and officer duties, you can make an informed decision on the proper security solutions for your business.  Here at Oatridge Security, we help businesses across Seattle and Western Washington with their security management.  If you’re looking for business security that offers top-notch, highly trained, and effective professionals, consider reaching out to us.

What Makes a Good Security Guard?

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What Makes a Good Security Guard?

What Makes a Good Security Guard? 

Security guards play a pivotal role in safeguarding businesses, employees, and assets. To excel in this role, a security guard must possess a unique combination of skills, traits, and training. Being a good security guard requires more than just physical strength or the ability to enforce rules—it demands a high level of vigilance, effective communication, and a strong sense of responsibility. In this blog, we’ll explore the key attributes that distinguish an excellent security guard from the rest, providing insights for businesses seeking to enhance their security services.

From ensuring access control to responding swiftly to potential threats, security guards are on the front lines of maintaining safety and order. They must remain alert, prepared, and able to exercise good judgment, even in the most challenging circumstances. Furthermore, security guards represent the face of your business, so their conduct and professionalism directly impact your company’s reputation. This makes it crucial to hire guards who can communicate effectively, handle emergencies with confidence, and embody honesty and integrity.

In the following sections, we will delve into the essential qualities that make a security guard stand out. These insights will help you understand what to look for when hiring security officers and highlight the benefits of investing in a well-trained and reliable security team. By focusing on these critical traits, you can create a safer environment for your business and build a reputation for excellence in security services.

Top 10 Essential Qualities to Be a Good Security Guard

Security guards play a crucial role in ensuring the safety and protection of people and property. To excel in this role, security guards must possess a unique set of skills and qualities that enable them to handle various situations with ease and professionalism. In this article, we will explore the top 10 essential qualities that make a good security guard, providing valuable insights for anyone interested in the field or seeking security consulting services.

  1. Alertness: A successful security guard must maintain a high level of alertness. Even during long periods of inactivity, it’s essential to stay vigilant, as dangerous situations can emerge suddenly. This means paying close attention to surroundings, noticing small details, and being ready to respond swiftly if something goes wrong. Alertness is vital for effective security services, ensuring the safety of people and property.
  2. Preparedness: Preparedness is a key quality for security guards. They must have the right security gear and comfortable clothing to react quickly and effectively to threats. Additionally, they should be familiar with emergency protocols and understand the layout of the premises. Proper preparedness allows security guards to address emergencies efficiently and minimize risks.
  3. Good Judgment: A crucial aspect of being a security guard is exercising good judgment. This involves evaluating situations, identifying subtle clues that may indicate potential threats, and making sound decisions. Security guards should avoid misinterpreting situations and refrain from unnecessary harassment. Good judgment ensures that security guards can address security concerns effectively while maintaining a positive relationship with the public.
  4. Communication Skills: Security guards interact with various people, including staff, customers, and other stakeholders. Effective communication skills are essential for relaying instructions, providing assistance, and managing conflicts. Security guards should be able to communicate calmly, clearly, and efficiently, especially during emergencies. This skill is vital for establishing trust and ensuring a smooth flow of information.
  5. Physical Fitness: Security guards need to be in good physical shape to protect people and property. Physical fitness enables them to respond quickly to emergencies, maintain a visible presence, and perform tasks that require strength and stamina. A physically fit security guard is better equipped to provide protection and ensure the safety of those under their watch.
  6. Training: While experience plays a significant role in shaping a security guard’s skills, formal training is also crucial. Security guards should undergo comprehensive training programs that cover a wide range of scenarios and best practices. Training helps security guards understand different security threats, how to respond to them, and how to use security equipment effectively. Proper training ensures that security guards are well-prepared to handle any situation.
  7. Assertiveness: Security guards must be assertive when dealing with escalating situations. This quality helps them maintain control and ensure that others respond appropriately. Assertiveness doesn’t mean aggression; instead, it involves clear communication, confidence, and the ability to enforce rules. An assertive security guard can defuse potentially dangerous situations and prevent further escalation.
  8. Low Profile: While visibility is essential for deterring illegal activity, a good security guard should also maintain a low profile to avoid disrupting normal operations. This means not drawing unnecessary attention to themselves and respecting the privacy of staff and customers. By maintaining a low profile, security guards can effectively provide security without causing unnecessary disruptions.
  9. Respect for Life: Security guards often encounter dangerous situations, and it’s crucial that they understand the value of every life. They should strive to protect everyone involved, using non-lethal methods whenever possible. Respect for life ensures that security guards act with compassion and empathy, focusing on resolving conflicts peacefully while ensuring the safety of everyone.
  10. Honesty: Finally, honesty is a fundamental quality for security guards. They must be trustworthy and maintain integrity in all communications with employers, colleagues, staff, and customers. Honesty builds trust and fosters a positive working environment, enabling security guards to perform their duties effectively.

These 10 essential qualities are crucial for anyone looking to excel as a security guard or seeking security consulting services. By embodying these traits, security guards can provide effective protection and ensure the safety and security of people and property. If you’re interested in pursuing a career in security or want to improve your security services, focusing on these qualities can be a great place to start.

Why is Personal and Business Security Important?

Security is a critical element for any business. It safeguards company assets, employees, and customers, ensuring operations run smoothly and safely. Skilled security guards are the backbone of this security, providing the expertise and presence needed to protect against threats.

Businesses often house valuable assets and sensitive information within their premises. Security guards manage access control, ensuring only authorized personnel enter restricted areas. They also monitor people entering and exiting the building, checking IDs and keeping a record of who is on-site. This level of security reduces the risk of unauthorized access and helps prevent theft or vandalism.

Security guards must also respond swiftly to potential threats. While dangerous situations may be rare, it’s vital to have guards who can act quickly and decisively when needed. They are trained to spot suspicious behavior, address risks, and take action to prevent harm to people or property. This rapid response capability is a cornerstone of effective security.

A visible security presence can deter criminal activity, creating a safer environment for everyone. Security guards provide this deterrent through regular patrols and a watchful eye. With a competent security team in place, business owners and employees can enjoy peace of mind, knowing their workplace is secure, allowing them to focus on their core operations without worry.

What Can Go Wrong if the Security Guard is Not Qualified Enough?

Hiring unqualified security guards can have severe consequences for a business. Security guards are responsible for maintaining safety and order, so employing someone who lacks the necessary skills can lead to a cascade of problems. Let’s explore some of the key risks of hiring unsuitable security guards.

Legal Implications

Employing security guards who lack proper training, and certification, or who exhibit inappropriate behavior can expose your business to legal risks. If a security guard acts inappropriately or unlawfully, it can lead to complaints, legal claims, and even lawsuits. This can result in costly and time-consuming legal proceedings, damaging your company’s reputation and causing financial strain.

Damage to Brand Reputation

Security guards are the face of your business in many situations, especially when interacting with the public. If a security guard behaves unprofessionally or demonstrates a lack of competence, it reflects poorly on your company. This can lead to negative publicity, loss of customer trust, and ultimately, damage to your brand’s reputation. Rebuilding a tarnished brand image can be challenging and costly.

Threats to Health and Safety

An unqualified security guard can pose significant risks to health and safety. Whether through excessive aggression, lack of training, or a negligent attitude, a poorly chosen security guard can put people in danger. This not only jeopardizes the safety of employees and customers but also exposes the business to potential lawsuits and regulatory penalties.

Financial Loss

Inadequate security guards can result in financial loss for a business. If criminals are successful in breaching security, the financial implications can be substantial. Whether due to theft, vandalism, or other criminal activities, the losses can be considerable. When these incidents occur because of negligence, poor training, or sub-standard job performance by security guards, it becomes an unnecessary and painful financial burden.

Hiring unqualified security guards can have far-reaching consequences, from legal troubles to brand damage, threats to health and safety, and significant financial loss. To avoid these risks, businesses should prioritize hiring qualified and well-trained security guards who can effectively protect their assets, employees, and customers. Investing in a competent security team ensures a safer environment and helps maintain a positive brand reputation.

Contact for Professional and Trained Security Guard

Oatridge Security Group (OSG) is your reliable partner for comprehensive security services. Based in Tacoma, Washington, we are a HUBZone-certified business specializing in providing top-tier security solutions. Our diverse offerings include armed and unarmed security officers, vehicle and foot patrols, access control, consulting, and monitoring services. With over 20 years of experience and a senior management team boasting more than 100 years of combined security industry expertise, we have built a reputation as a trusted leader in the security services industry throughout the greater Northwest and beyond.

We are always ready to respond to your security needs, providing 24-hour communication, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. Whether you require ongoing security or need assistance with a specific event, OSG is equipped to deliver. Our processes are designed to meet commercial and government requirements, ensuring compliance and reliability. Contact us today to discuss how OSG can help you achieve your security goals. We’re located at 2111 South 90th Street, Tacoma, WA 98444, and you can reach us by phone at (253) 461-1622. Our team looks forward to working with you to create a safer environment for your business, employees, and customers.


What Can a Security Guard Do?

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What Can a Security Guard Do?

What Can a Security Guard Do?

Security guards are a familiar sight in many aspects of our daily lives, always present whether we’re shopping at the mall, working in office buildings, attending school, or living in residential complexes. Their role goes beyond merely standing at a post; they are crucial for ensuring our safety and maintaining order in these spaces. By being vigilant, security guards prevent unauthorized access, theft, vandalism, and other security threats that could disrupt our peace and safety. Their presence alone can deter potential wrongdoers and make everyone within the vicinity feel more secure. This not only allows us to carry out our daily activities without worry but also contributes significantly to creating a safe environment for everyone.

The responsibilities of security guards are varied and depend largely on where they are stationed. In commercial areas and malls, they monitor the premises for suspicious activity, manage the flow of visitors, and respond to any security incidents. In office settings and residential areas, they control access, ensuring that only authorized individuals can enter, and provide assistance to employees and residents. Events, schools, and healthcare facilities also rely on security guards to maintain order, manage crowds, and handle emergencies efficiently. Regardless of their location, security guards are trained to be observant, communicate effectively, and act swiftly in any situation. Their ability to assess and respond to incidents makes them indispensable in safeguarding people and property.

What Does a Security Guard Do? – The Multifaceted Responsibilities of Security Guards

Security guards are crucial in our everyday safety, standing as the primary barrier against various threats. Their roles are diverse, extending far beyond mere observation, and depend largely on their workplace environment. This comprehensive look into their duties underscores their indispensable role in surveillance, access control, patrolling, emergency responses, and customer service. 

 Surveillance and Monitoring

What Can a Security Guard Do?The responsibility of keeping a vigilant eye on the premises is a fundamental part of a security guard’s job. Using modern tools like cameras and alarm systems, guards continuously scan for any signs of suspicious activities that might indicate a breach of security. This constant monitoring is essential for preempting potential security threats, ensuring that any unusual activity is spotted and addressed promptly. Surveillance acts as the guard’s eyes, extending their reach across the entire area they are tasked with protecting, making it easier to maintain a secure environment.

 Access Control

Controlling who gets in and out of a building or property is another critical duty of security guards. By checking identification, signing visitors in and out, and monitoring entrances and exits, guards ensure that only authorized individuals are allowed access. This process is key to preventing unauthorized entry, which could lead to theft, vandalism, or other security risks. Access control is not just about keeping unwanted visitors out; it’s also about managing the flow of traffic and maintaining a record of who is on the premises at any given time.


Patrolling is a proactive measure that security guards undertake to deter criminal activity. By conducting regular patrols, either on foot or by vehicle, guards not only make their presence known but also get the opportunity to identify security issues that cameras might not catch. These patrols are essential for deterring potential criminals, as the visible presence of security personnel can make the difference in preventing incidents before they occur. Additionally, patrols allow guards to familiarize themselves with the layout and routine of the premises, better preparing them to respond in case of an emergency.

 Emergency Response

In emergencies, such as fires, security breaches, or medical situations, security guards often serve as the initial responders. Their training prepares them to react swiftly and effectively, whether that involves administering first aid, executing an evacuation plan, or coordinating with police and emergency medical services. The ability to remain calm and take decisive action during such critical moments can save lives and minimize damage to property. This aspect of a security guard’s role highlights the importance of their presence, as they are equipped to handle situations that could otherwise escalate quickly.

 Customer Service

Beyond their security duties, guards also play a significant role in customer service. Acting as the face of the location they’re protecting, they provide assistance, directions, and information to visitors and employees. This dual function not only enhances the security aspect but also contributes to a positive experience for everyone on the premises. By offering a friendly and helpful presence, security guards ensure that the environment is not only safe but also welcoming.

The diverse responsibilities of security guards underscore their crucial role in our daily lives. From surveillance and monitoring to customer service, their duties are integral to maintaining a secure and orderly environment. As the first line of defense against potential threats, security guards’ presence is invaluable in ensuring the safety and well-being of people and property alike.

Where Do Security Guards Serve?

Security guards work in a wide variety of settings, each with its own unique challenges and requirements:

  • Commercial and Residential Areas: In office buildings, malls, and residential complexes, guards ensure the safety of employees, residents, and assets. They manage access points, conduct patrols, and monitor surveillance systems to prevent theft or damage.
  • Events: At concerts, sports events, and conferences, security guards manage crowds, handle disturbances, and keep attendees safe. They play a key role in emergency evacuation procedures if needed.
  • Retail and Corporate Spaces: Guards in retail environments work to prevent shoplifting and ensure the safety of both customers and staff, while those in corporate settings protect against espionage and information theft, in addition to ensuring physical security.
  • Specialized Environments: Some guards work in environments that require special training, such as armed security for banks or personal security for VIPs. Others might specialize in healthcare security, where they protect staff and patients and ensure the smooth operation of healthcare facilities.

Skills and Qualities of Effective Security Guards

Being a security guard requires a specific set of skills and personal qualities:

  • Vigilance: Guards must be always alert, noticing anything out of the ordinary that might indicate a security threat.
  • Communication: Effective communication is crucial, both in dealing with potential security issues and in providing customer service.
  • Physical Fitness: Guards often need to respond quickly to emergencies, requiring a certain level of physical ability.
  • Problem-Solving: The ability to assess a situation and quickly determine the best course of action is a key skill for any security guard.
  • Customer Service: A friendly and helpful demeanor helps ensure that interactions with the public are positive, reinforcing the safety and security guards are there to provide.

Security guards are more than just a crime deterrent; they are a critical component of the safety and security infrastructure of any community or organization. They work tirelessly, often behind the scenes, to prevent incidents before they happen and to respond effectively when needed. The next time you pass a security guard, remember the important role they play in keeping us all safe. Their dedication and vigilance make our daily lives more secure, and for that, we owe them our thanks and respect.

Are you looking for a security guard? Contact Us!

What Can a Security Guard Do?At Oatridge Security Group, we take pride in offering a comprehensive range of security solutions tailored to meet your unique needs. Our expertise spans various facets of security services, ensuring we’re equipped to handle any challenge that comes our way. From skilled armed and unarmed security officers to meticulous vehicle and foot patrols, effective access control systems, strategic consulting, and vigilant monitoring services, we have the resources and know-how to safeguard your interests.

Whether you’re seeking to enhance the security of your commercial property, require specialized personnel for event security, or need expert advice on security strategies, our team is here to assist you. We understand the importance of a secure environment for the success of any endeavor, which is why we’re dedicated to providing top-notch security solutions that align with your specific objectives.

To learn more about how Oatridge Security Group can contribute to the safety and success of your project or establishment, please reach out to us. Our team is ready to discuss your security needs and offer solutions that best fit your requirements.

Don’t hesitate to contact us today at (253) 461-1622 and take the first step towards achieving your security goals. At Oatridge Security Group, your safety is our top priority.

What Can a Security Guard Do?

OSG: Security Services in Seattle

By Oatridge BlogNo Comments

Security Services SeattleOSG: Security Services in Seattle

Security Services SeattleWelcome to Oatridge Security Group (OSG), your reliable security guard company serving the greater Seattle area and beyond. Founded with a vision of providing top-notch security solutions, OSG has established itself as a leader in the protective security services industry, ensuring safety and protection for our clients.

Established in 2003, OSG has over two decades of experience in delivering comprehensive security services tailored to meet the diverse needs of our clients. Headquartered in Tacoma, Washington, OSG is proud to be a HUBZone-certified business, underscoring our commitment to serving the local community while also meeting government requirements.

The story of OSG’s success is rooted in the passion and dedication of our founder and CEO, Cy Oatridge, CPP. Cy’s journey in the security industry began during his junior high school days, where he served as a hall monitor, igniting his lifelong interest in security and protection. His early experiences, coupled with a strong sense of community and purpose, laid the foundation for OSG’s future endeavors.

Upon moving to Seattle at the age of 28, Cy’s entrepreneurial spirit led him to answer a blind ad that would change the course of his career. Drawing upon his business acumen cultivated through years of working in his family’s construction business, Cy embarked on a journey into the security profession.

Guided by mentors within ASIS International, Cy honed his skills and expertise in security management, learning invaluable lessons in fostering relationships and strategic leadership. His active involvement within ASIS not only enriched his knowledge but also provided a platform to mentor others and contribute to the industry’s growth. Highlighting the involvement of ASIS in Cy’s life, he said in an interview, “ASIS was a big part of my security education and learning the industry.”

At OSG, we understand that security needs can arise at any time, day or night. That’s why we offer round-the-clock communication and support, ensuring that our clients and security officers receive expert assistance whenever required. Our team of highly trained and experienced security guards is committed to upholding the highest standards of professionalism and vigilance, safeguarding your premises and assets at all times.

As your trusted security partner, Oatridge Security Group is dedicated to providing unparalleled security solutions tailored to your specific needs. With a steadfast commitment to excellence and a proven track record of success, we stand ready to protect what matters most to you. Contact us today to learn more about how we can support your security requirements.

Seattle Security Guard Company- Premier Security Service

Security Services SeattleAt Oatridge Security Group (OSG), we understand that security is more than just a service; it’s about building and nurturing relationships that foster trust and confidence. As the premier security service provider in the Seattle area, we prioritize the importance of forging strong connections with our clients, employees, and partners to deliver exceptional security solutions tailored to your needs.

Our CEO, Cy Oatridge, CPP, firmly believes that “this business is based on relationships.” With over three decades of experience in the security industry, Cy’s dedication to building honest and devoted relationships has been the cornerstone of OSG’s success. From volunteering in various positions across ASIS to his current role as the President of the ASIS Global Board of Directors, Cy’s commitment to fostering meaningful connections underscores our approach to business.

At OSG, we go beyond the traditional client-vendor relationship. We strive to understand your unique security challenges and objectives, viewing situations from your perspective to provide customized solutions that address your specific needs. Our team remains in close contact with our clients, ensuring open communication and transparency every step of the way. By staying flexible and responsive, we accommodate any special requirements, demonstrating our unwavering dedication to serving your best interests.

With extensive experience spanning two decades, OSG offers a comprehensive range of security services to meet the diverse needs of our clients. From armed and unarmed security officers to vehicle and foot patrols, access control, executive protection, and monitoring services, we provide tailored security solutions designed to safeguard your assets and premises effectively.

For 20 years, OSG has been recognized as a leader in the private security industry, serving both the private sector and the U.S. government with excellence. Our commitment to performance and dedication to our clients have set the standard for security services in the Pacific Northwest. We take pride in our reputation for reliability, professionalism, and integrity, earning the trust and confidence of our clients year after year.

At OSG, we understand that security concerns don’t adhere to business hours. That’s why we offer round-the-clock support, ensuring that you have access to the protection you need, whenever you need it. Our team is available 24/7, 365 days a year, ready to address any issues and provide peace of mind knowing that your safety and security are our top priorities.

In choosing Oatridge Security Group as your security partner, you can trust that you’re working with a company that values relationships, delivers superior service, and prioritizes your safety above all else. Contact us today to learn more about how we can meet your security needs and exceed your expectations.

Security Services Seattle- Seattle’s Protection Duty Officers and Guards

Security Services Seattle

Small town security issues like Puyallup Washington

At Oatridge Security Group (OSG), our commitment to safeguarding our clients goes beyond just providing security services. We are dedicated to upholding the highest standards of excellence, continuously improving our strategies, and delivering comprehensive security solutions tailored to your specific needs.

As CEO Cy Oatridge, CPP, aptly puts it, “The challenging part about strategy is that nobody can predict the future.” However, at OSG, our commitment to excellence and meeting the evolving needs of our clients remains unwavering. We strive to stay ahead of the curve by actively engaging with our global membership and seeking invaluable insights and experiences to shape our collective future.

Through a year-long process of consultation with industry leaders and executives, we’ve gained a deeper understanding of the diverse challenges facing the global security landscape. Our vision extends beyond geographical boundaries, encompassing a global membership of over 150 nations. By thinking bigger and broader, we aim to make a difference not only in the lives of our members but also in the broader community.

At OSG, we offer a comprehensive range of security services designed to provide optimal protection for you and your property. Whether you require physical security solutions, security officers and executive protection, or security consulting, we have the expertise and resources to meet your security requirements effectively.

Our physical security services are tailored to your specific needs, ensuring that you receive optimal protection for your assets and premises. From security officers and patrols to VIP protection, we provide a range of services to address your security concerns comprehensively. Additionally, our security consulting services help identify and address vulnerabilities in your security setup, ensuring robust protection against potential threats.

At OSG, our vision is to be Seattle’s premier security service provider, trusted by clients for our unwavering commitment to excellence and dedication to their safety and security. We strive to maintain close communications with our clients, remaining flexible and responsive to their evolving needs. Our goal is not only to meet but exceed the service standards of the security industry, driven by a team and community effort dedicated to continuous improvement and communication.

In choosing Oatridge Security Group as your security partner, you can trust that you’re working with a company that values relationships, delivers superior service, and prioritizes your safety above all else. Contact us today to learn more about how we can meet your security needs and exceed your expectations.

Private Security Seattle – Washington Security Services for Your Peace of Mind

Security Services SeattleWhen it comes to ensuring the safety and security of your property, trust Oatridge Security Group to provide top-notch private security services tailored to your needs. Based in Tacoma, Washington, we are committed to offering comprehensive security solutions that bring you peace of mind.

Ready to take the first step towards enhancing your private security measures? Contact Oatridge Security Group today to discover how we can help meet the needs of your security objectives. Our team of experts is standing by to assist you in assessing your security needs and developing customized solutions to address them effectively.

We’re here to provide you with the support and guidance you need to ensure the safety and security of your premises. At Oatridge Security Group, your peace of mind is our priority. Contact us today and let us partner with you to create a safer and more secure environment for your property and assets.

You can reach us at our Washington office located at 2111 South 90th Street, Tacoma, WA 98444.

Feel free to give us a call at (253) 461-1622.

Or send an email to [email protected]


Executive Protection Bellevue- Reliable Security Solutions

Executive Protection Bellevue

By Oatridge BlogNo Comments

Executive Protection Bellevue- Reliable Security Solutions

Executive Protection Bellevue- Reliable Security Solutions

Welcome to Oatridge Security Group (OSG), your trusted partner in security solutions. With a commitment to excellence and a focus on meeting the unique needs of our clients, OSG has established itself as a reliable security provider since its founding in 2003. Headquartered in Tacoma, WA, OSG is proud to extend its top-notch executive and VIP protection services to the Greater Seattle area, including the vibrant city of Bellevue.

At OSG, we understand that security is not a one-size-fits-all solution. Our journey began when two brothers recognized the need for customized security services that go beyond the offerings of existing firms. This founding principle continues to guide our mission, emphasizing tailored services to meet the precise specifications of our clients. As a HUBZone-certified business, OSG specializes in cleared protective services programs that not only meet but exceed both commercial and government requirements.

Our executive protection services in Bellevue are designed to address the specific security concerns of corporate and governmental clients. Whether you are an executive requiring close protection or a high-profile individual seeking discreet security measures, OSG has you covered. Here’s why our executive protection services stand out:

  • Confidential and Discreet Operations: OSG operates confidentially and discreetly, ensuring that your security needs are met without compromising your privacy.
  • Professionalism and Expertise: Our security team, comprised of professionally trained experts, handles each job with the utmost professionalism and expertise.
  • Wide Range of Services: OSG offers a comprehensive range of services, including armed and unarmed security escorts, protective surveillance, and asset protection in transit. We cater to the diverse security and logistics needs of demanding industries.
  • Greater Seattle Coverage: While based in Tacoma, OSG extends its protective umbrella to the Greater Seattle area, including Bellevue. Our team is well-versed in the unique challenges of the region, ensuring safe travel for our clients.
  • Competitive Pricing: OSG understands the importance of cost-effective security solutions. Our services are keenly priced, with retainer options available, providing you with peace of mind without breaking the bank.

OSG strives for continuous improvement and communication, recognizing the importance of a dedicated team and community effort in achieving these goals. With a focus on personnel development and a stable workforce, OSG has become an industry leader in security best practices.

Oatridge Security Group is not just a security company; we are your partners in safety, offering personalized solutions and unwavering commitment to meeting and exceeding your security expectations. Whether you are in Tacoma, Seattle, or Bellevue, OSG is here to provide you with the security you deserve.

Executive Security Bellevue- Comprehensive Protection Services 

At Oatridge Security Group (OSG), we understand that the security landscape demands more than just standard solutions. Our commitment to providing comprehensive security services extends to the vibrant city of Bellevue, where our Executive Protection services are personalized to meet the unique needs of corporate and governmental clients.

Just as each client is unique, so are their concerns. OSG excels in developing customized security plans based on the specific needs of our clients. Our approach involves utilizing Integrated Guarding Services, ensuring a holistic and effective security strategy. These services include:

  • On-site Guarding: Trained security guards dedicated to protecting your property, assets, or staff.
  • Remote Guarding: Utilizing advanced CCTV technology, alarms, and data analytics for vigilant surveillance.
  • Mobile Guarding: Highly trained security personnel using marked and unmarked vehicles to ensure real-time security during client or employee transportation.
  • Electronic Security: Offering security card access, restricted access control, and fire and security alarms.

OSG offers comprehensive security solutions, including 24/7 alarm dispatch services, Remote Guarding, and Electronic Security Services. We are committed to constant communication, ensuring that security concerns are not adherent to a schedule. OSG’s commitment to constant communication ensures that both security officers and clients have access to expert assistance at any given moment, day, or night. This comprehensive approach ensures a seamless and efficient security solution.

VIP Protection Bellevue- Private Security and Close Protection 

At Oatridge Security Group (OSG), we prioritize safety, teamwork, and innovative solutions. With over 20 years of experience and a senior management team boasting over 100 years of combined expertise, OSG stands out as a business leader in protective security services.

Choose Oatridge Security Group (OSG) for VIP Protection in Bellevue and experience the assurance of stellar performance delivered by our dedicated and expertly trained team. Our carefully selected employees undergo rigorous training, ensuring high performance in every security detail. Recognized for exceptional customer service, we go beyond meeting expectations, providing a positive experience for every client.

Committed to excellence, OSG personalizes top-notch security solutions to meet the unique needs of our clients, with a specialization in executive protection for high-profile individuals. Offering a comprehensive security umbrella, our well-planned and executed security operations include private security, close protection, and guard services. With 24/7 readiness, OSG ensures expert assistance is available at any moment, showcasing our commitment to your safety and well-being.

Areas We Serve:

OSG extends its VIP Protection services to various areas in Washington, ensuring the safety of our clients across the region. These areas include:

  • Seattle
  • Tacoma
  • Bellevue
  • Renton
  • Kent
  • Federal Way
  • Washington

Contact OSG for Exceeding VIP Protection Services by a Well-Trained Team

Your safety is our priority. If you need VIP Protection services in Bellevue, contact Oatridge Security Group today. We are here to provide you with a reliable, efficient, and client-focused security solution that goes beyond the standard. Your peace of mind is our mission.

Contact us today to request a consultation or call us at (253) 461-1622.

How to Hire a Security Guard

How to Hire a Security Guard

By Oatridge BlogNo Comments

How to Hire a Security Guard

Hiring security guards is a complex undertaking that requires a careful and strategic strategy to secure the safety and well-being of persons, houses, and organizations. This blog, offering valuable insights and detailed steps on how to hire security guards, provides a comprehensive guide on how to hire security guards, covering various aspects such as understanding the specific needs of your setting, crafting a compelling job description, conducting effective interviews with engaging questions, and entrusting the process to the right security agency. Discover the keys to finding the right security personnel and ensuring a secure environment for all. 

Do You Really Need to Hire a Security Guard? 

Before you start the security guard recruiting procedure, one of the questions you may ask yourself is whether your need goes beyond the corporate grounds. Security guards are important not only in the business world but also in protecting the safety and well-being of individuals and their houses. Let’s look at the different reasons you might need a security guard, including both corporate and personal circumstances.

Security Guards for Business Security

By acting as a visible deterrent, a security guard safeguards the safety of employees and visitors. They are taught to handle emergencies properly, which makes a major difference in critical crisis management. They also defend property from theft or damage by patrolling and reviewing CCTV footage, preserving assets, and stopping unwanted actions.

Security Guards for Home and Personal Security

The presence of a security officer can serve as an assurance for domestic security, lowering break-ins and burglaries. It also provides safety during personal gatherings, as well as the safety of guests and the seamless execution of events. Trained security guards can quickly respond to residential situations and assist until professional help arrives. Overall, the presence of a security officer gives the residents a sense of security and safety.

Key Responsibilities of Security Guards:

  • Security guards actively discourage theft and vandalism by patrolling both commercial and residential areas.
  • Security guards maintain the safety of individuals and defend property from potential dangers, whether in a corporate setting or at home.
  • Their obvious presence deters criminal activity, leading to a secure environment in a commercial or residential setting.
  • Security guards are taught to respond quickly and efficiently, assuring the safety of all parties involved, whether at a corporate office or a private residence.
  • Maintaining Order By enforcing laws and regulations, security guards help to keep both commercial and personal properties in order.

When Do You Need a Security Guard?

When to hire a security guard is a multidimensional decision that considers both personal and corporate needs. A security guard gives an added layer of protection to personal events and family safety, protecting the well-being of everyone involved. A thorough security policy is essential in the commercial world, whether it is protecting a corporate office or a residential location. Recognizing the different tasks of security guards and applying a strategic hiring approach is critical in ensuring a secure environment that meets the unique safety needs of individuals, families, and businesses alike.

Basic Steps of Hiring Security Guards- 

The hiring process for a security guard requires a thorough approach, following these fundamental steps to ensure a smooth and successful hiring process.

Step 1: Think About How a Security Guard Will Fit into Your Settings

When considering hiring a security guard, the first step is to carefully assess how effectively the candidate will adapt to the distinctive characteristics of his or her job environment. To find the best security guard candidate and to ensure that they will fit your needs, it’s critical to understand that security requirements might vary greatly based on the type of environment being protected. In places like an elementary school or a senior living complex, for example, the ideal hire should be warm and approachable, encouraging a sense of comfort and safety among tenants.

On the other, when hiring for a firm in a high-crime area, it is critical to select a candidate who can project authority while remaining calm in high-stress conditions. This customized approach guarantees that the security personnel chosen are aligned with the specific demands and expectations of the area they are assigned to protect.

Furthermore, determining if round-the-clock protection is required for your situation is important. In some cases, such as planned communities, busy business parks, or areas with important assets, having security staff accessible 24 hours a day, seven days a week is a powerful deterrent. This assessment considers not just physical safety but also the entire perception of safety among residents or employees. A security guard’s constant presence can create confidence and discourage potential criminal actions, connecting the security approach with the unique demands of the job setting.

Step 2: Determine How You Will Equip a Security Guard

When considering the equipment and resources needed for a security guard, it’s crucial to make key decisions that align with the unique needs of your business. Here are two essential aspects to focus on:

  • Armed or unarmed?

Assess the need for an armed guard for your company based on specific dangers and risks, learn about the permissions and certifications required, and assure legal compliance. Consider whether to supply uniforms, guns, and other necessary equipment, taking into account regulatory restrictions and the amount of security you require.

  • Training and Certification:

Consider making certification necessary in states where it is not already required to improve security personnel’s competency. Offering to pay for certification costs might be an appealing incentive for prospective applicants, displaying a commitment to professional growth.

Step 3: Run a Background and Reference Check

A thorough background and reference check is carried out during the security guard employment procedure to guarantee that the chosen individual follows ethical standards. Ethical behavior and honesty are essential, and assessments confirm trustworthiness and compliance with security field standards. Examining the candidate’s career history, contacting prior employers, asking pertinent questions during the interview, and assessing interpersonal skills and problem-solving abilities are all part of a thorough background check. A clean driving record is also required for roles involving company car patrolling. A valid driver’s license and a clean driving record show eligibility to operate a company vehicle, which helps to protect property, customers, and employees. 

OSG Simplifies the Process of Hiring a Competent Security Guard for You

When it comes to hiring and recruiting security guards, Oatridge Security Group (OSG) takes the lead in simplifying and streamlining the entire process. We understand the critical nature of finding the right security personnel for your needs, and we’ve designed our approach to make it easy, professional, and tailored to your requirements. OSG values honesty and integrity, ensuring our professionally trained officers meet the highest standards. We prioritize your trust and reliability, offering top-notch customer service and security solutions throughout Greater Seattle. Recognizing that security requirements do not follow a 9-5 schedule; OSG offers around-the-clock availability. We are available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year since we understand that safety and security are ongoing requirements.

OSG, an established security firm in Tacoma, has a two-decade track record of stability and dependability. With project experience in Washington, Oregon, California, and Kansas, they provide a broad variety of services such as armed and unarmed security, patrols, access control, and monitoring. Because we value client happiness, we personalize our services to your exact requirements. OSG maintains ongoing communication with you to ensure that our security solutions are perfectly aligned with your needs. Choosing OSG means selecting ease of use, professionalism, and customized security solutions. 

Contact us today to request a consultation or call us at (253) 461-1622.

What Is Not a Physical Security Measure for Your Home?

By Oatridge BlogNo Comments

Let’s face it, life nowadays isn’t all that safe. With crime rates constantly on the rise wherever you go, taking extra measures for your safety is already a part of our daily lives.

Just this year, Seattle has reported more than 30,000 crimes in the city with the numbers including both property and violent crimes. And while the overall number within Washington State has always been below the national average, the numbers have continued to rise within the past few years, alarming residents all over.

As a resident of the state, you are probably gearing up to make sure your home is always safe and secure as well. With incidents like Seattle losing more officers than hiring them within the last few years, it’s only fitting that you take the necessary physical security measures to secure your property as well.

Physical security measures are visible and tangible parts of a home meant to improve the security of your space. These are the most crucial parts of a home such as doors, fencing, security garage, and the like.

But what is not a physical security measure for your home? Below are some examples:

Beware of Dog Signs

Although dogs are great protectors, their presence in a household doesn’t always mean they can ward off intruders. Dogs are susceptible to attacks, too, and can also be victimized by criminals if it will help them execute their plans better.

Simply Relying on Fences to Safeguard Your Home

Fences are considered to be a physical measure at home. But when you don’t combine it with other security features, especially in this modern day and age, it will be hard for you to rely on them alone.

Oversharing on Social Media

Avoid sharing crucial information about you and your family on social media as much as possible. Criminals are lurking everywhere and might gain access to your personal information anytime without your knowledge.

Low-Quality Doors and Windows

Make sure you’re only installing the best quality doors, windows, and frames in your home. Intruders will always find ways to take flimsy materials down so they can get inside your home easily.

Spare Key

Spare keys can be your lifesavers, but not if they’re placed somewhere accessible to people who aren’t supposed to get into your property. Don’t leave a spare key in places where it’s easy for intruders to find them or better yet, install modern locking devices for your home for stricter access.

Safeguard Your Home Today

With so many smart ways criminals try to intrude into other people’s personal spaces, you must consider ways to ensure your safety is uncompromised. Installing security devices is one thing, but hiring extra security personnel to help you out when needed is another. Knowing there are people dedicated to keeping your home safe will give you more peace of mind, especially during these times.

In Seattle and its neighboring towns, there’s only one name you can trust. Oatridge Security Group is dedicated to providing a safe and secure environment to our clients, whether it be for their business or their home. With our professionally trained security staff, you know you’re always safe and protected wherever you might be.

Contact us today if you want to know more about the services we provide.