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A hot 4th of July this yearSafety Is Our Niche

Security is our business and promoting safety is what we’re all about. As we come upon the 4th of July holiday, we hope you’ll keep these tips front of mind. Before we jump into them, if you have security needs for your business, an event, or even as an individual, we’d love to help. Give our team a call at: (253) 533-7525 or you can reach out via our website and we’ll be happy to get back with you. 

It’s Going to be a Hot One

If you haven’t checked the weather report yet, a hot 4th in Seattle is expected… so be safe. It’s supposed to be in the mid to upper 80’s this year. This has its pros and cons. On the one hand, most of us Washingtonians are thrilled when the summer heat shows up, and even better when it correlates with a holiday that’s best enjoyed outside. That said, the past few years, fires have been brutal and actually created such a cloudy haze, we can’t even enjoy the sun. Whether it be because it’s difficult to breathe or because everything feels socked in, our beautiful blue sky is out of view.

We’d like to encourage you to refresh yourself with various tips that can help prevent disasters that don’t just impact you, your family or your neighborhood… but even the entire region. The Washington State Fire Marshal’s Office and Washington State Patrol (WSP) put out a great list of tips that we’ll share with you.

4th of July Firework Safety Tips

Purchase Washington legal consumer fireworks from a licensed and locally permitted retail stand.
Only use fireworks outdoors and away from buildings on a flat, level, fireproof surface free from debris.
Read and follow all safety labels and instructions.
Have a water supply and water bucket available at all times.
Light only one firework at a time.
Never place any part of your body directly over a firework.
Never throw fireworks or light fireworks in your hands.
Never pick up or try to re-ignite a firework that fails to light.
Never carry fireworks in your pockets or shoot them from a container.
Always have adults light fireworks.  Keep all fireworks, including matches and lighters, away from children.
Allow discharged fireworks to sit for at least 20 minutes before submerging them fully in water for at least 10 minutes.  Dispose of drained products in a plastic bag.
Keep all pets indoors and protected from the sights and sounds of the holiday.

Be Prepared – Be Safe – Be Responsible

Happy 4th of July from all of us at Oatridge Security Group

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