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Let’s face it – building trust and confidence in other people can be tough. With so many things happening around us on a daily basis, finding someone who can keep you safe at all times seems like a rare feat.

Just in Seattle alone, there have been reports of homicide rates going up to 7% more this year. And so with such numbers, it’s only normal for most people to keep their guards up high at all times. Nowadays, letting your guard down can be pretty tough.

Now this is where personal security comes into play. When you feel like you’re no longer safe in your area, getting a service to keep your safety a top priority is a good solution. It will definitely give you peace of mind knowing someone is there to look out for you at all times.

But getting a security team to look after you isn’t where things end. It’s also important that you find a team that you can rely on at all times. There are qualities you should look out for when getting your own personal security team.

Here are a few things you must look out for when hiring your personal security team. Knowing your team has these qualities will help you feel more at ease, knowing you have people who only have your best interests in mind.

Effecting Communicator

Having a security team will only be effective if you have clear communication channels between your security team and yourself. Your team should be responsive to your concerns and inquiries and is also open to discussing things with you. This is the first step to making sure a client is at ease with the security team.

Visible and Approachable

Another important factor your security team must work on is their visibility. They have to make sure that their client feels and sees their presence. Building rapport with clients should go hand in hand with this visibility as well. Having a security team that you rarely interact and communicate with won’t make that much of a difference to your life if you think about it

Skilled in Conflict Resolution and Problem Solving

Your security guard should be alert at all times and be skilled in problem-solving. With things happening with no warning at all times, your team should always be prepared to think of a quick solution when needed. Their quick reaction time can make a difference, especially in a life-or-death situation.


This goes hand in hand with communication and visibility. When you have a transparent security team with you, it’s easier to understand why certain actions and decisions must take place in order to keep you safe. This is also an essential part of building confidence in a team to keep you safe.


Of course, there’s always room for improvement, hence, the need for accountability. When you have a team that knows how to admit their mistakes, it gives you enough room to grow and make necessary changes, especially when it comes to your safety plan.

Get a Security Team Today

Keeping ourselves on high alert at all times just to avoid any possible unfortunate event can be pretty stressful. But knowing that you have a trustworthy team in charge of your safety is already a big sigh of relief.

If you are interested in getting a personal security team to guide you through and keep you safe, Oatrige Security is here to help. With our team of well-trained and experienced professionals, the last thing you’ll think about is your safety and security.

Call our Seattle team today at (253) 461-1622 or send a message to our website so we can start devising the perfect safety plan for you

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